DPI / Final Compilation and Reflection

23.08.2021 - 22.11.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Final Compilation and Reflection


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<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZeyEI9ZvcizUdsaL_czufp8L_44zQynp/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


23.08.2021 - 25.10.2021 (Week 1 - Week 10)
23.08.2021 (Week 1)
fig 1.1 Bezier Exercise Compilations, Week 1 (23/08/2021)

06.09.2021 (Week 3)
fig 1.2 Selection Tool Exercise, Week 3 (06/09/2021)

13.09.2021 (Week 4)
fig 1.3 Adjustment Layers Exercise, Week 4 (13/09/2021)

20.09.2021 (Week 5)
fig 1.4 Photo Manipulation Exercise, Week 5 (20/09/2021)

27.09.2021 (Week 6)
fig 1.5 Photo Recoloring Exercise, Week 6 (27/09/2021)
fig 1.6 Photo Recoloring Exercise Comparison, Week 6 (27/09/2021)

04.10.2021 (Week 7)
fig 1.7  Advanced Photo Recoloring Exercise, Week 7 (04/10/2021)

25.10.2021 (Week 10)
fig 1.8 After Effect Exercise, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

Project 1 : Collage Design
30.08.2021 - 20.10.2021 (Week 2 - Week 5)

(Week 2 - Week 3)

fig 2.1 Physical Collage (Final) JPEG, Week 3 (06/09/2021)
fig 2.2 Physical Collage (Final) PDF, Week 3 (06/09/2021)

(Week 3 - Week 4)

fig 2.3 Digital Collage (Final) JPEG, Week 4 (13/09/2021)
fig 2.4 Digital Collage (Final) PDF, Week 4 (13/09/2021)

Project 2 : Poster Design
27.09.2021 - 18.10.2021 (Week 6 - Week 9)


(Photo Manipulation)
fig 3.1 Photo Manipulation JPG, Week 5 (20/09/2021)
fig 3.2 Photo Manipulation PDF, Week 5 (20/09/2021)

(Photo Recoloring)
fig 3.3 Advanced Recoloring (JPG), Week 7 (04/10/2021)
fig 3.4 Advanced Recoloring (PDF), Week 7 (04/10/2021)


fig 3.5 Poster Concept (PDF), Week 9 (18/10/2021)
fig 3.6 Poster Concept (JPG), Week 9 (18/10/2021)
fig 3.7 Final Compilation (PDF), Week 9 (18/10/2021)

Project 3 : Self Titled
18.10.2021 - 22.11.2021 (Week 9 - Week 14)

1. Still Image
fig 4.1 Self Titled (Final) JPG, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

fig 4.2 Self Titled (Final) PDF, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

2. Animated
fig 4.3 Self Titled (Animation Final), Week 14 (22/11/2021)

Title: Nirvana
Size: 1080 px (width) : 1920 px (height)
Artist Statement:

"Nirvana. An ideal place where it doesn’t exist in reality; a place where one can feel peace without suffering."

With this “Self-Titled” Project, I want to represent myself, someone who really loves fiction, surreal things, with touches of dreamy and calming feeling combined with childishness traits.

Through this design, I want to present my feelings about my ideal world. Using contrasting elements (e.g. whale and airships) in one place, I want to describe the idea of freedom – where we can dream of anything that we wanted to be. Some elements (e.g. castle, cloud, stars) were used to represent the dream of a little girl, being a princess. I want to deliver the representation of the “princess” in my own Nirvana.

This is myself, someone who likes to dream about things and I’m the princess of my own world. I feel calm and peaceful when I’m in my world.

3. Google Slide Progression
fig 4.4 Self Titled (Slide) Final, Week 14 (22/11/2021)


What I've learnt from this module:
This module taught me about photo editing mostly. I've learnt lots of technique that I haven't know and learnt before, such as; masking, recoloring, and smooth photo manipulations. I never been able to do some good photo editing, but after I learnt from this module, I understand the technique better and it can be seen from my final project.

Even though it's an online class, I gain some knowledges for examples about; bezier, studio photographies, lighting. Besides those, I also leant Adobe AfterEffects, which is actually I'm very blind about it. This module has taught me a basic way of doing animation, although it's quite basic, to be honest it really helped me in doing my other project assignments.

Other than the technical terms, this module has a very important knowledge about composing elements; which we didn't learnt as much as in here in the other classes. I didn't really understand about composition at first, I struggled in doing that as I'm not quite confident with my compositions. But then, I think I understand on how to make a good composition better.

What I enjoy the most:
My favorite one is the "self-titled" project. It made me think of myself, and understand myself better. Besides that, I really like it because it's a form of self-expression that I made using combinations of photo manipulating techniques. I also enjoyed this project because compared to other projects, it's a project that allowed us to think creatively, with unlimited elements.

What I didn't enjoy the most:
I didn't quite enjoy project 1A since it's very hard to find old magazines and pictures as I wanted. Also, when I went in to the class for the first time, it's hard to make a good compositions for me because I'm not used to do that. Then, it made me felt unconfident with this class.

What has changed:
As I progressed more and moved forward, I noticed some change in the way I made compositions. I usually made compositions with lots of elements in there, and it'll look very full. But as I learnt more about composition, I think I managed to apply "space" in compositions. I noticed it'll look better when I did that.

Things that I realized during the process:
I think I'm not a quite good communicator, because I struggled to find words to say sometimes. I'm still progressing on how to become a better talker, especially when I presented my work and progression in class, and I'm sorry if I ever responded silent in class sometimes, which can bring awkward atmosphere. T.T


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