DPI / Week 5 (Hearst Mansion and Digital Poster)

20.9.2021 (Week 5)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 5



  • Introduction about poster
Mr. Martin began the lecture by introducing us to the concept of poster design. So, what's a poster? Poster is a medium to convey something to the target audience. Posters can generate awareness on an issue / as a lure for audience to buy a product. Posters can be; cluttered or straightforward. Excessive amount of elements can be confusing for the viewers. 
  • PSA (Public Service Announcement)
A poster containing message which targets public interest disseminated without charge, to raise awareness of, and changing public attitudes and behavior towards social issues
  • How to make a poster?
Then, Mr. Martin taught us some steps how to make a poster which is good and deliver a meaning.

  1. Study and gather all related information about your topic.
  2. Write a summary about your topic
  3. Highlight the key points of your summary
  4. Define the Title
  5. Define the Slogan
  6. Define the Details
  7. Define the Call For Action
  1. Create a section for each contents (Title, Slogan, Details & Call for Action) 
  2. Sketch your mock up poster
  3. Fill in with details
  1. Draft the digital poster based on your sketch 
  2. Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design.
  3. Apply color, typography, textures & effects
  4. Finalize your design with color correction
  • Elements
Creative posters usually consist of some elements; title, graphic, text, whitespace
fig. 1, Poster Elements, source; (https://www.behance.net/gallery/80218051/Climate-Change-PSA-Poster/modules/465154763)Week 5 (20/09/2021)

    1. TITLE
    • A descriptive indicator of poster's content 
    • Shouldn't exceed two line of text
    • Shouldn't be overload
    • Deliver the message clearly
    3. GRAPHIC
    • The star of the poster
    • Mostly describe what the author want to tell
    • Better a high resolution image (300 dpi or more)
    • Creates a "breathing room"
    • Avoid viewers to feel overwhelmed by the information presented 
But, out of that four, there are some elements that affect the beauty and effectiveness of a poster, they are; layout, flow, and color.

<back to top>

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

In order to make us understand how to manipulate photo, we were given a task to put two pictures (1 background, 1 subject) together in a picture.

Make a photo manipulation of Shazam and Hearst Mansion.

  1. Research on "mental heath affected by COVID19":
  2. How are you, as an individual affected by COVID19? Physically and mentally? Are they related?
  3. Research online:"young adult/student's mental heath affected by COVID19", save/bookmark the articles that you are interested. Make a summary of each articles.
  4. View posters on Pinterest, limited to posters designed with IMAGES/PHOTOS and texts, bypass posters designed with GRAPHIC and texts. PIN the posters that you like, ask yourself what do you like about the selected posters? The composition? The colour? The way the message been delivered?
  5. View posters on Pinterest, limited to PSA posters only. PIN the posters that you like, ask yourself what do you like about the selected posters? The composition? The colour? The way the message been delivered?
  6. Post your finding on Blog under Project 2.
  • Summary: Do research of the poster's topic (ourselves and article) + look and pin some poster inspirations (Graphic and Text, and PSA posters) that we like and reason why we like it.


These are the two photos provided:
fig. 5.1, Hearst MansionWeek 5 (20/09/2021)
fig. 2, Shazam!Week 5 (20/09/2021)

I used a Quick Selection Tool to cut the Shazam. 
fig. 3, Quick Selection ToolWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

I noticed that the right part of the Shazam is a little bit cropped straight, so I planned to make him leaning on the wall.
fig. 4, Right PartWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

I made him leaning on the wall. After that, I adjusted his color.
fig. 5, Shazam Adjustment PreviewWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

I add a black paint using brush behind some part of his body to make a shadow. To make it become smoother, I applied some Gaussian Blur to the black paint's layer, here's my Gaussian Blur setup:
fig. 6, Shazam's Shadow BlurWeek 5 (20/09/2021)
And here's the outcome:
fig. 7, Shazam's Shadow Blur PreviewWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

To make Shazam's reflection in the water, I duplicate the layer then change the rotation in to -100. After that I did some adjustments to become more natural. Here's my set up:
fig. 8, Shazam's Brightness, ContrastWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

After that I blurred the reflection a little bit, and here's my set up:
fig. 9, Shazam's Reflection BlurWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

Finally, here's my final outcome of the Shazam's Exercise.
fig. 10, Shazam's Shadow BlurWeek 5 (20/09/2021)


Mr. Martin provided us a picture (Hearst Castle), which we have to cut our photo and edited it there.
fig. 11, Hearst Castle, Week 5 (20/09/2021)

Then, Mr. Martin gave two pictures to be used as reference about Hearst Castle. I used the reference to determine my actual approximate height.

fig. 12, Reference 1Week 5 (20/09/2021)
fig. 13, Reference 2Week 5 (20/09/2021)

First, I used Quick Selection Tool to cut my image:
fig. 14, Using Quick Selection Tool PreviewWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

As the result I found out that some areas can't be removed from selection even though I used Substract From Selection, so I let it be. After I moved my selection, I found out that there are some parts haven't been cut neatly:
fig. 15, Unclean Cut 1Week 5 (20/09/2021)
fig. 16, Unclean Cut 2Week 5 (20/09/2021)

So, I decided to adjust it with eraser and pen tool, and here's how it looks:
fig. 17, Cleaned CutWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

I adjusted the color of the layer. By the way, I put myself not as high as the person in references, because I think my height is around 1,5 m and it should be approximately like this:
fig. 18, Adjustment 1Week 5 (20/09/2021)
fig. 19, Adjustment 2Week 5 (20/09/2021)

After I'm satisfied, I started to make the reflection. I started to adjust the brightness and contrast to fit the environment.
fig. 20, ReflectionWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

I also add gaussian blur to my image. I don't add as many as the Shazam, because I thought my picture is in the front which should be having clearer reflection.
fig. 21, Gaussian BlurWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

I just realized I haven't add any shadows to myself, so I add it using black colored brush. After that I use a Gaussian Blur effect to make it look more natural. I use 4,0 gaussian blur;
fig. 22, ShadowWeek 5 (20/09/2021)

So, I did some adjustment to some area to make it neater, and this is my final result:
fig. 23, ResultWeek 5 (20/09/2021)
fig. 24, Result in PDFWeek 5 (20/09/2021)


In week 5, I didn't do much for project 2B because I were occupied by the other class project. So, I only filled this up:


How It Affects Myself (1)
    "As an individual who's an introverted person and rarely hangout with friends, I don't feel very overwhelmed by staying at home for a long time, It's just a piece of cake," said myself in the early months of the outbreak in my country. But since the outbreak happened for almost 6 months, I started to feel something different about myself. I'm pulling back my words.
    Things were getting out of control as the number of cases roses. I read lots of chaos in the news. As time went by, the number of cases always rise up, and it's so tiring to hear a negative news. I saw numerous of news telling about people terminated from their job, numerous people infected, even lots of dying people. I heard some of my parents' friends were dead caused by COVID-19. I started to feel stressed, threaten, anxious, and paranoid. Besides that, what I feel the most is numbness. I felt empty inside. I miss my friends, and my school memory. I saw some of my friends who have to resigned from school, or can't continue their study because their economy were affected by COVID-19.
    Other than that, since online learning conducted, things were felt different and unreal. At first, I feel like I'm happy of not having to wake up early in the morning to prepare for school, can study 24/7 from home, but as time went on, I started to feel uneasy because I'm forced to be in my room for a long time studying more modules because it's online class, alone. I was a part of a school organization, I became a leader of an event and have to change the way it is and it felt so frustrating. This conclude that as a student we also have to be adaptive to unusual things.
    To be honest, it doesn't really impact on me directly, compared to other people, but still, it really has a big impact to my mental health. I began to think, if it's impacting me, how about the the other young adults? How do they feel?


Truth to be told, it's not a new thing for me to do the photo manipulating exercise. I did something like that a lot. But this exercise has taught me on doing the smoother way, to produce a neater photo editing.

This week project 2B task also made me reflect on things that have happen. I became aware with my feeling and normalize that it's okay to feel like that.


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