DPI / Week 10 (After Effects and Self-Titled)

25.10.2021 (Week 10)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 10



fig. 1, AfterEffects Logo, source; (https://1000logos.net/after-effects-logo/), Week 10 (25/10/2021)

First, we were asked to download an image provided for exercise.

fig. 2, file, source; lecture video, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

So, what's After Effects? It's a video editor software, similar to Photoshop, to composite motion pictures. It used in the post-production phase, and has hundreds of effects that can be used to manipulate imagery. This allows us to combine layers of video and images into the same scene. It can edit a video, from collage animation to motion graphics.

We can import elements like images, videos, and vector in AE. We need to separate all the parts we want to animate in Photoshop/Illustrator to work easier in AE.
fig. 3, Layers, source; lecture video, Week 10 (25/10/2021)
fig. 4, Layers in AE, source; lecture video, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

Then, we were asked to watch this video:
fig. 5, kinetic typography, source; (https://youtu.be/qluLUmzPAJE), Week 10 (25/10/2021)

  • Use easy ease to gain elastic move:
fig. 6, easy ease, source; lecture, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

<back to top>

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

WEEK 10:
We were given a BnW photo for us to be colored using Photoshop using selection tool with colors that have been provided form images.

WEEK 10:
Idea development.


For our week 10 exercise, we were provided with a .psd file where we can then import it to After Effects to animate.
fig. 7, elements, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

First, I opened After Effects then I import all the elements. This's how it looks:
Then, I started to animate the typewriter:
fig. 8, elements imported, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

I actually made one during the class but it looked so random, so I remade things. First, I imported all the Photoshop composition form the file provided. Then I set the duration of it.

I started to animate the elements from the back. First, I hide all the elements so I can focus on the "texture" element. Then I just  drag it to the left, so it'll appear sliding to the screen:
fig. 9, texture, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

Then, I edit the projector layer. I planned to make it fall down then appeared again, so I only edit the position and scale:
fig. 10, projector, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

I planned to make the fencer appeared using mask, so I add mask. I don't edit the feather because I want to do a simple masking.
fig. 11, fencer, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

I made the typewritter to zoomed in so I just used scale:
fig. 12, typewriter, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

For the shark, I made a path using position, then, to make it as if it's falling, I changed the rotation and scaling. Then I adjust it so it has like a connection between the fencer and the shark.
fig. 13, shark, Week 10 (25/10/2021)
Finally, this is how it looks:
fig. 14, final animation, Week 10 (25/10/2021)



Since it's a final project about ourselves, Mr. Martin gave some question regarding about ourself in this part. I reflected on each questions and answer them one by one.

So, who am I?
My name is Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto. I'm a 18 years old student from Indonesia. I think of myself as a childish person. Most people also agree that about me.

My passion?
Since I was young, I really like to imagine things, thinking of something fantasy and fictive. I usually draw to interpret my imaginations. I’m full of curiosity, I really like to know why things happen. I’m really attracted to fictional things like magic, mystery, superpowers.

What's motivate you to achieve your dream?
There’re several things that motivated me to achieve my dreams. I want to make my parents proud and show them that I’m capable of. I’m actually an ambitious person, and I like the feeling of achieving something from my hard work. So, things that motivated my to achieve my dream are mostly myself and my parents.

How do you want to visualize your dream into an artwork?
Because, I’m an imaginative person, I want to make something surreal, dreamy, and fantasy. I want to show about my fantasy and dreamy world

So, what's your work?
I want to create a fantasy. An imagination that I really like. I want to tell the viewers about my fantasy mind.

What is the concept behind it?
I want to create myself in a fantasy world I ever imagine with bright color, because I want to show my childish trait.

What is the message you want people to understand it?
I want to tell the viewers about my fantasy mind. I want to tell a fictional world that I’m enjoy and happy being in it.

What is your motto/ quote?
Adults are only grown up, anyway – Walt Disney

Talking about those childish yet fantasy things wit lots of colors, I remembered my favorite graphic designer in Instagram, Natalia Seth (@escapingyouth).

fig. 15, My favourite designer account, source; (https://www.instagram.com/escapingyouth/?hl=en)Week 10 (25/10/2021)

I got some references and inspirations for my design, I used these photos as my moodboard.

fig. 16, Reference 1 and 2, Week 10 (25/10/2021)

I also got a reference from Pinterest:
fig. 17, Reference 3, source; (https://id.pinterest.com/pin/268316090289550165/), Week 10 (25/10/2021)


I actually never touched After Effects. Things were very hard and unfamiliar for me. I couldn't understand things at first, but as I went on, I finally started to understand the concept. I haven't yet really fully understand the software, I need more practise. Even though so, animating in this software is easier than animating in Photoshop, also, the animation are smoother. For me myself, I think I now understand how to do some basic animations. I just also know that it has a thing called "masking" that can make something appeared slowly.


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