DPI / Week 2 (Physical Collage)

30.8.2021 (Week 2)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 2



In the second meeting, Mr. Martin lectured us about composition. To make a good composition, we have to pay some attention to the basic things, such as:
  • Focal Point
The focal point is a thing that we want to tell to the readers / viewers of our design. It'll be the main idea that we want to be focused. The concept is synonymous to emphasis.

  • Scale & Hierarchy
Used to help communicate hierarchy by drawing attention toward and away from certain elements.

  • Balance
In order to make balance, we should consider the weight. "Smaller objects ‘weigh’ less than larger objects, and heavily textured elements might ‘weigh’ more than flatly coloured elements," Mr. Martin said.

fig. 3, Example of Balance, source; (https://visme.co/blog/visual-hierarchy/)Week 2 (30/08/2021)

  • White Space
White space means empty space. The more white space in design, the more minimalistic it'll look. White Space doesn't always mean the 'blank space', it can be gap between the object, etc.

fig. 4, Example of White Space Utilisation in UI Design, source; (https://medium.muz.li/the-effective-utilization-of-white-space-in-ui-design-c944009b2540)Week 2 (30/08/2021)

After the basic introduction of composition, Mr. Martin taught us about Rule of Thirds and Golden Ratio. So, what are they?
  • Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds means dividing your design into thirds, using two horizontal and vertical lines, which will create a nine parts with four intersection points. It'll look like this;

Then, Mr. Martin gave us tips on using rule of thirds by showing this video:

fig.6, Rule of Thirds Trick, source; (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVyNjKSr0M)Week 2 (30/08/2021)

  • Golden Ratio
A guideline to determine a design's proportion to create an aesthetic and pleasing design to the eye. It's usually found in nature, but can be implied in design.

Mr. Martin also gave us a supplementary video:
fig. 8, video, source; (https://youtu.be/2KqXGMf0HNk), Week 2 (30/08/2021)


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

  1. Choose and identify your collage's design elements to be cut out and compose it into your own concept & story.
  2. Pre compositing your collage&#39;s design elements into a composition.
  3. Reference: https://youtu.be/2KqXGMf0HNk
  4. 3. Take 3 photo of your collage pre-composition and insert it on the section below
  5. 4. Submit (Turn In) this W2_TUTORIAL
  • Summary: Start to make the 3 physical collage design.


So, here are some of my collage designs; (it's not sticked yet)

fig. 9, collage 1Week 2 (30/08/2021)

From this collage, I want to represent about a strong girl who endure her sadness. I used the waterfall to make her look crying, and a swing to make her look like a loner. The butterfly is some kind of her wing, and the flower will be her crown. I want to make her to look strong but deep down, she's trying to endure her loneliness.
fig. 10, collage 2Week 2 (30/08/2021)

The second collage is about a compilation of different girls. I used the word 'heroes' as a word to implement women's power.

fig. 11, collage 3Week 2 (30/08/2021)

The word 'beyond' means afar. I want to describe something afar. The circle define the time, and the Ferris wheel behind represent the past.


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