DPI / Week 13 (Self-Titled)

15.11.2021 (Week 13)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 13

no lecture.

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WEEK 13:
Animation and Finishing.


I remembered that I want to move the jellyfishes. Theory said that jellyfishes has 2 kind of movement:
fig. 1, jellyfish movement, source; (https://images.app.goo.gl/17yXnMFzgK617LLz6) , Week 13 (15/11/2021)

So, I remade my jellyfishes by making the head and the body separated:
fig. 2, repairing jellyfish, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

I also added a whale, because I want it to look surreal. I cut it then using color match I adjust the color and used blending mode too:
fig. 3, whale, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

So, this is my final poster;
fig. 4, self titled poster final, Week 13 (15/11/2021)


After I'm done with the still image, I moved forward to animating it.

First thing first, I created a copy of my Photoshop file. I did it to ensure I have a backup for my work. Also, I want to merge some layers that don't need to be animated. Here's how it looks:
fig. 5, AE assets, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

I started with creating new composition and import all the asset I arranged. After that, I arrange them. I just know that when we reduce opacity in Photoshop, when it's imported in AfterEffects, the opacity will reset to 100%, so I re-setting the opacity too:
fig. 6, new composition, Week 13 (15/11/2021)
fig. 7, arranged, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

Then, I started to make the animation. Started from the easiest first, the zeppelins. I planned to make some random move, I don't want to match the speed of each zeppelins movement, that's why I separated the layers.
fig. 8, zeppelins movement, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

Then, I proceed on moving the whale, this is how I did it:
fig. 9, zeppelins movement, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

Next, moving on to the main cloud and castle. I actually didn't plan to give it animation, but I want to try.
fig. 10, main cloud movement, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

As for my jellyfishes, I'm referencing to this tutorial:
fig. 11, making jellyfish movement, source; (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX2e3CeyIQA) Week 13 (15/11/2021)

First, I started with the head movement. I used Effect > Distort > Warp to make the expanding part of the jellyfishes.

Then, I adjusted the feet.
fig. 12, jellyfishes movement, Week 13 (15/11/2021)

I thought it's not smooth enough and actually a little bit weird. I planned to adjust it later.

This is my draft for now:
fig. 13, animation draft 1, (https://youtu.be/n3F232T7bTM), Week 13 (15/11/2021)

  • General Feedback : n/a
  • Specific Feedback : Mr. Martin recommended me to place the zeppelins higher, and smaller the moon. Mr. Martin also recommended me to adjust the castle a bit so it look like it's growing from the head. For the spacing, needs to smaller the elements a bit.


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