DPI / Week 1 (Bezier)

23.8.2021 (Week 1)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University
Week 1



Today, August 23rd, the first class, which is Digital Photography and Imaging began. The class was quite fun, and Mr. Martin told us about how the class is going to work, and what things we should do in his class. The class is about general information, such as MIB (Module Information Booklet), what software do we need, and general information about the Digital Photography and Imaging course.

After that, Mr. Martin gave us some brief introduction lecture about Photoshop. Mr. Martin told us the benefit of learning Photoshop. For Graphic Designer, there are some benefits of learning Photoshop, they are;

1. To express designer's creativity

fig. 1, Fantasy Photography Art, source; (https://id.pinterest.com/pin/385972630573795987/), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

2. To create graphic design

fig. 2, Graphic Design Example, source; (https://www.cubagallery.co.nz/blogs/news/poster-design-everyday), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

3. To restore old images

4. To integrate graphics with text in artistically way

fig. 4, Graphic and Text Design Example, source; (https://id.pinterest.com/pin/281404676694908435/), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

5. To make use of brushes

fig.5, Photoshop Brushes, source; (https://speckyboy.com/free-photoshop-brushes/), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

6. To change photo colour

fig. 6 Changing Colour, source; (https://photoshoptrainingchannel.com/change-colors-in-lightroom/), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

7. To rectify mistakes in photographs

Then, Mr. Martin gave us 10 tips on how to be a successful designer. Those are;
  1. Follow the tutorials
  2. Do a lot of experience to be familiar with the software
  3. Memorise all keyboard shortcuts
  4. Try to replicate others
  5. Participate in design competition
  6. Subscribe to online galleries
  7. Use smart objects
  8. Scale artwork and proportion
  9. Use action
  10. Use folder to organize things


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
  1. Bezier Game 
  2. Create your E-Portfolio blog.
  3. Register Pinterest & Behance
  4. List down your 3 favourite graphic design work from Pinterest. Explain it on your E-portfolio blog, why do you like the designs?
  1. Search for some old magazines / book to be cut into physical collage composition

  • WEEK 1 - EXERCISE 1: 
We were given a link to our pen tool drawing practice. It was on Bezier. The web showed me a tutorial on how to use the pen tool. After that, we were given a total of 10 levels for us to complete. I don't really understand at first, as I struggled a lot. I even watched a YouTube video, but I still don't get it. After several attempts, I began to understand better. It became more and more easy when I did more practise. So, here are some screenshots from my practice;

fig. 8, Bezier Exercise, Week 1 (23/08/2021)
  • WEEK 1 - EXERCISE 2: 
After I practised the pen tool, I started to do the second assignment that Mr. Martin gave as a homework. It was to show three of our Favourite Graphic Design found on Pinterest and describe why do we like it. so I scrolled out Pinterest, and I found a lot of beautiful designs. It was so hard to choose, but finally I found my 3 favourites. So here they are:

The first design was a design that I found on Pinterest. I don't really know the author, but I traced the design, and it brings me to Behance. It was a design made by an account named 野狗富 (I don't know how to read it). I loke those vibrant colors. All the elements are combined and detailed. Also, the illustration itself is so cute, I like the author's style. Although there are a lot of elements placed there, the balance, proportion, rhythm, unity, focus are enhancing each other, which make the design look even better.

fig. 10, Donna Adi's Halloween Creation, source; (https://id.pinterest.com/pin/601582462724086504/), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

The second design is a design made by Donna Adi. It was posted on her Instagram. I like the author's design because of her visual style. I like how she describe the Halloween theme. I like the way she described it. Halloween usually comes up with something scary or creepy, but she used something different. She used cute doodles with bright and bold colors. Her design tells me that not everything has to be normal, it could be something different.

fig. 11, 1930 Reijin Sheet Music Cover, source; (https://id.pinterest.com/pin/230809549641699918/), Week 1 (23/08/2021)

This design was a 1930 Reijin sheet music cover. Because it’s an old design, I can’t find who’s the designer. The author’s composition is really good. I love how the author make the composition of the elements. I love how the author combine illustration and text composition together until it becomes a good design. As if we’ can imagine that there’s a woman although it wasn’t fully shown. The color choice was also good. What I like the most from this design are the overlay, it makes it look unique. Although it was a year 1930 design, it looks fantastic.


Mr. Martin asked us to find some old magazine pictures and cut it. Here are the elements I found:
fig. 12, elements, Week 1 (23/08/2021)

Then I searched something at my house to be the background. So, I found a brown paper. I'm planning to use it for the background.
fig. 13, brown paper,  Week 1 (23/08/2021)


The first time I used pen tool was when I was in Senior High School. I was struggling a lot back then. I don't really get on how to use them. Yes, I'm still struggling in this exercise, but I think I'm better at doing it compared to back before. I did practice using it lots of time. I guess the only way to master it is by practicing a lot of time, with several trial and errors.

Actually when asked to look for our three favourite graphic designs, my mindset is telling me to look for something that's photography oriented since it's a photography class. I tried not to think of it, instead, I found out lots of graphic design that are not only photography oriented. This exercise made me explore and learn lots of variety in graphic designs.


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