DPI / Week 14 (Self-Titled)

22.11.2021 (Week 14)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 14

no lecture.

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<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

WEEK 14:



I started to continue adjusting my animation. Based on the feedback that Mr. Martin gave, Mr. Martin said to connect the cloud and castle together, so I'm adjusting both layers.

I also planned to add twinkling stars in the sky, I used this:
fig. 1, source; (https://unsplash.com/s/photos/starry-sky), Week 14 (22/11/2021)

This is how it looked like:
fig. 2, Stars, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

I just remembered that AfterEffects can't read some settings that we've made in Photoshop, so, I changed the starry images into stars that I made using brush:
fig. 3, Redrawn Stars, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

Thus, I started to finalize my project since it's the week of submission. For my animation, I added this soundtrack. It's a good song from Ghibli that made like a music box song:
fig. 4, Ghibli Music Box, source; (https://youtu.be/punwtpf-KHI), Week 14 (22/11/2021)


1. Still Image
fig. 5, Self-Titled (Final) JPG, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

fig. 6, Self-Titled (Final) PDF, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

2. Animated
fig. 7, Self-Titled (Final) MP4, source; (https://youtu.be/IlerIccVejw), Week 14 (22/11/2021)

Title: Nirvana
Size: 1080 px (width) : 1920 px (height)
Artist Statement:

"Nirvana. An ideal place where it doesn’t exist in reality; a place where one can feel peace without suffering."

With this “Self-Titled” Project, I want to represent myself, someone who really loves fiction, surreal things, with touches of dreamy and calming feeling combined with childishness traits.

Through this design, I want to present my feelings about my ideal world. Using contrasting elements (e.g. whale and airships) in one place, I want to describe the idea of freedom – where we can dream of anything that we wanted to be. Some elements (e.g. castle, cloud, stars) were used to represent the dream of a little girl, being a princess. I want to deliver the representation of the “princess” in my own Nirvana.

This is myself, someone who likes to dream about things and I’m the princess of my own world. I feel calm and peaceful when I’m in my world.

3. Google Slide Progression
fig. 8, Self-Titled (Slide) Final, Week 14 (22/11/2021)

  • General Feedback : n/a
  • Specific Feedback : Already good, but the castle will be better if attached to the cloud. Overall good progression, good composition, well done!


Through this project, I learnt a lot; especially about AfterEffects. I was so blind when Mr. Martin taught me about AfterEffects at first, I have to rewatch the lecture and searched for some YouTube tutorials to catch up. Because of this project, I have learnt more skill for animating in AfterEffects. The key is to keep being curious and thirsty of knowledge.


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