DPI / Week 4 (Adjustment Layer, Digital Collage)

13.9.2021 (Week 4)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 4



Mr. Martin introduced us to Photoshop editing. There are types of adjustment in Photoshop;
fig. 1, Adjustment in Photoshop, source; (https://www.cdgi.com/2016/04/mikes-technical-tip-adjustment-layers-photoshop/)Week 4 (13/09/2021)

So, here are the adjustment list;

To make any adjustment,  it's better to make a mask. Mask is the one in the right. White means the adjustment is shown, when the color is black it's hidden. We can adjust the mask by using brush (B).

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<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

We were taught on how to do some photo adjustment in Photoshop, and required to do an adjusting layer exercise from the photo provided.

  1. Attach your best composition from WEEK 3 digital collage exercise below.
  2. Using the same Photoshop file, improvise your WEEK 3 digital collage into WEEK 4 by
  3. using Adjustment Layers &amp; Filters on Photoshop.
  4. Explain what you’ve learned in the description section.
  • Summary: Do some adjustment to digital composition based on Week 4 feedback, then choose 1 to be final, and give some adjustment using mask that Mr. Martin has taught.


On Week 4, Mr. Martin gave us a demo about how to use adjustments. Mr. Martin asked us to play around doing the adjustment while studying using a provided photo, so here's my work;

fig. 4, Solid Color Week 4 (13/09/2021)
fig. 5, curves Week 4 (13/09/2021)

fig. 6, invertWeek 4 (13/09/2021)


So, I did some adjustment to my third composition. I followed Mr. Martin suggestion. He recommended me to put some elements on my second composition to my third composition, so here it is;
fig. 7, adjusted composition 3Week 4 (13/09/2021)

The design is about a workspace with a lake view. I want to create something surreal. I planned as if the fishes were rising into the air and dancing under the moonlight. I used the word, “water water water?” to indicate that the fishes were confused because they suddenly moved out of the water. It can also tell a story about fish documentation. For this composition, I used mostly a magic wand tool and a polygonal lasso tool.

I want to make the composition look more magical, because “fishes rising and dancing under the moon” itself are somehow fictitious. I added a watery pattern to make the fish vibe stronger. I invert the leaves to make them look like purple petals, which I thought make the colour scheme look unreal. I also add aquamarine colour to some parts like the word “water water water ?” to make them look like they’re mossy.

Then, I used some effect on my composition. The most prominent adjustment I do was on the leaves, so here's how it looks:
fig. 8, edited composition 3Week 4 (13/09/2021)
fig. 9, digital collage PDFWeek 4 (13/09/2021)

  • General Feedback : n/a
  • Specific Feedback : Composition 2 or 3 can go. If I choose 3, I should do some adjustments. I should add some elements in Composition 2 to Composition 3.
  • Specific Feedback : n/a


I just know how to use mask and adjustment in this project. I just know that I can do several types of adjustments using the tools that Photoshop provided. I know nothing at first, and it feels like unusual, hard, but as I did more practice, the more I became used to things that Mr. Martin had taught me. 


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