DPI / Week 9 (Digital Poster)

18.10.2021 (Week 9)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 9



Mr. Martin introduced us to Digital surrealism since our final project will be about digital surrealism.
  • Reaslism vs Surrealism:
fig. 1, realism vs surrealism, source; lecture, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

Realism: ordinary, based on reality, don't need to think outside the box
Surrealism: twist on realism, explores the subconscious mind. >> dream images, distort the reality.
  • Salvador Dalí
fig. 2, Salvador Dali's creation, source; lecture, Week 9 (18/10/2021)
Who's he?
- Spanish surreal painter
- Inspired from: teachings of freud and rebellious work of Dada Artists. 
- Promoted: free association and dream imagery.

- An anti war art movement with art works that is satirical and nonsensical in nature.
  • What's surrealism?
fig. 3, surrealism, source; lecture, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

Surrealism: defies logics. Usually out of box, work of subconscious mind, filled with strange images and bizarre juxtapositions.

Express the artists' ideas themself. Surrealism is one of the top digital artstyle. 
  • How to create surrealism?
  1. Use dream like scene and symbolic messages
  2. Unexpected, illogical juxtapositions
  3. Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects
  4. Primitive, child-like
  • How to capture it?
  1. Sketch it Out
  2. Find references
  • Mindset you need to use while creating it:
  1. "Does this look real?" > the more it is to be not real, the better.
  2. Make it happen to the best of your ability > you may learn things you haven't learnt before
  • Software : Photoshop
      Photoshop makes thing easier that require a modicum of photomontage skill to produce impressive results.

Mr. Martin gave us a supplementary video about IG story animation creating:
fig. 5, how to create loop animation, source; (https://youtu.be/HQL5ntLlHTg), Week 9 (18/10/2021)

<back to top>

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Post draft on Google Classroom to get feedback.


Based on the feedback that Mr. Martin gave, I adjust my #1 design. I started from removing the girl in the poster. Then, I began to cut the new stock photo I got.
fig. 6,  frustrated, Week 9 (18/10/2021)
fig. 7,  happy, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

I cut and paste the selection and adjust it a bit.
fig. 8,  selections, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

I hide all my elements and started to adjust the center. I started to enlarge the photo and applying black and white filter to the element. I also added a bit of blurry effect. I used motion blur.
fig. 9,  bnw, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

I add the happy faces to the meeting borders. I reduced the opacity to make a measure.
fig. 10,  layering, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

I adjusted her shirt color a bit darker and make it looks more shadowy.
fig. 11,  recoloring, Week 9 (18/10/2021)
fig. 12,  recoloring 2, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

Using the brush, I make a shadow
fig. 13,  shadowing, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

Then, I experienced some text layouting.
fig. 14,  horizontal, Week 9 (18/10/2021)
fig. 15,  vertical, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

I think the horizontal one is better as it offers easier reading accessibility. I add shadows behind the text to make it easier to read.
fig. 16,  poster concept pdf, Week 9 (18/10/2021)
fig. 17, final poster, Week 9 (18/10/2021)

  • General Feedback : n/a
  • Specific Feedback : Both digital drafts showing good quality of design. However, the 1st one is related better with the theme, 2nd might mistaken for theme related to social media addiction or some sort. The contrast in the 1st poster is good but can be stronger, the B&W doesn't look sad enough.


I'm happy that I got a chance to learn photo manipulation, and recoloring. It's the coolest subject I ever want. I finally could dye my hair, my clothes and anything! I thought this subject was very hard and neat patience to learn, but turns out it's actually simple when you understand the basics, and it's also a fun thing to do. From the poster assignment, I think I'm not really good in making compositions, so I thought mine was a decent one. But I'm very glad that I got a chance to speak up feelings regarding to mental health during the pandemic.


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