DPI / Week 7 (Advanced Photo Recoloring, Digital Poster)

04.10.2021 (Week 7)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging / Taylor's University 
Week 7



Mr. Martin started the lecture by explained us about the three main color; red, yellow, blue. 
fig. 1, Color Wheel, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
Then, he explained there're two systems of color, RGB and CMYK. What're they?
  • RGB (Red, Green, Blue) : used in display
  • CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow Black) : used for printing
fig. 2, RGB CMYK, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
In my observation, RGB use white as combination, CMYK use black as combination.

Then, we can make a color variation by adding hue, shadow, tint, and tone.
fig. 3, hue shade tone tint, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 4, hue shade tone tint II, source; (https://twitter.com/thefuturishere/status/1016890351586459648?lang=ga), Week 7 (4/10/2021)
Then, Mr. Martin talked about color harmony. There're lots of variation of color harmony:
fig. 5, color harmony, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 6, color harmony, source; (https://gist.github.com/makella/b6a88efd56b7e61446a74e9c9441211b), Week 7 (4/10/2021)
  • Monochromatic : 
    • One color but different shade and tint.
fig. 7, monochromatic, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
  • Analogous : 
    • Three color located side by side.
fig. 8, analogous, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
  • Complementary : 
    • 1 main color and its opposing color
    • Most popular color combination since make a good contrast
    • High contrast
fig. 9, complementary, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
  • Split Complementary :
    • 1 main color, then choose split left and right
fig. 10, split complementary, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
  • Triadic :
    • Evenly spaced color
fig. 11, triadic, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

After Mr. Martin lectured us about type of color, he began to explain about color psychology. Culture also influenced color psychology. For example, in western color, this is the color psychology;
fig. 12, color psychology, source; lecture, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 13, color psychology II, source; (https://graf1x.com/color-psychology-emotion-meaning-poster/), Week 7 (4/10/2021)

Then, Mr. Martin divided it into 2 types; warm and cool. Warm color usually evokes warm feelings like happiness, optimism, and energy. Cool color usually evokes feelings like calm, soothe, or even sadness. However, some color also have different meanings to note.
  • Red / orange / yellow > can be > attention / signal of danger
  • Blue > can be > sadness
  • Purple (mixture of blue) > can be > calm
  • Purple (mixture of red) > can be > intense
  • Black > can be > elegance, mystery
  • White > can be > clean, virtuous, healthy

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<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHwjSk8-Bzmv7iN9-yygmDtXXoOqL4yv/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

We were given a BnW photo for us to be colored using Photoshop using selection tool with colors that have been provided form images.

Advanced Recoloring BnW. We were provided with some BnW photos to recolor. We have to search on references based on the person races, and hair references.

Continue the digital poster progression.


For this week exercise, we were provided with a BnW photo:
fig. 14, picture 1Week 7 (04/10/2021)

The color to be used are fig 7.2 for the hair color, and fig 7.3 for the skin color.
fig. 15, picture 2Week 7 (04/10/2021)
fig. 16, picture 3, Week 7 (04/10/2021)

Based on the lecture's video demonstration by Mr. Martin, first, we have to pick the color from the reference using the eyedropper tool (i). After that, we have to select the hair first before applying mask.
fig. 17, selecting hair, Week 7 (04/10/2021)

After that, we have to select mask, and adjust the masking using "select and mask".
fig. 18, adjusting maskWeek 7 (04/10/2021)

Then, we can add the color and put the mask beside the color layer.
fig. 19, applying hair colorWeek 7 (04/10/2021)

Then, we have to do it to the other parts, face, clothes, eye, and lip.
fig. 20, coloring faceWeek 7 (04/10/2021)

This is the preview of my colored exercise.
fig. 21, coloring and maskingWeek 7 (04/10/2021)

This is the final preview of my recoloring exercise:
fig. 22, final previewWeek 7 (04/10/2021)


We were given some choices of black and white colored portrait by Mr. Martin. We were assigned to recolor a photo of our choice. The photo that I chose is this:
fig. 23, bnw photo, source; (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1czJ0D44XGRTp8gVCHxqcuArBfLZqWK5-), Week 7 (4/10/2021)
Then, we have to search for skin tone and hair color reference. So, I found my references on Pinterest.
fig. 24, skin reference, source; (https://pin.it/2cx5JT9), Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 25, hair reference, source; (https://pin.it/15Bqz8i), Week 7 (4/10/2021)

For the first step I did, I pick some skin and hair color using eyedropper tools.
fig. 26, color finding, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

Then, I started to make a selection and mask it. After that I adjust the masking. I started with hair.
fig. 27, hair masking, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

This is the color I got from the reference.
fig. 28, hair coloring, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

I combine them using overlay, because I think it gave a stronger color.
fig. 29, overlay, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
Then, I continue my progression into making the skin color. I used the same method as before.
fig. 30, skin selection, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
For the lip and iris, I decided to do it manually without masking, since I think it's easier and faster, so here's my work preview;
fig. 31, lip and eye, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

Then, I started to do the background, it's very hard since the hair is everywhere. So, after I cleaned my masking for a long time, I managed to get a cleaner masking. (not perfect thought!) Here's my masking preview after I add a soft yellow color.
fig. 32, background masking, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

Finally, here's my final progression:
fig. 33, final, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

fig. 34, final in PDF, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 35, layer preview, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

Layers & Effect:
  • eye : soft light (no masking)
  • lip : soft light (no masking)
  • face : soft light (masking)
  • hair : overlay (masking)
  • layer 4 (background) : color (masking)


I made 2 concepts. I used digital elements on both designs to show about the concept "online" better. So, here they're:
fig. 36, sketch 1, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 37, sketch 2, Week 7 (4/10/2021)

 I researched on some fonts idea:
fig. 38, fonts, Week 7 (4/10/2021)


I began to search for stock photos in Google. These are some photos that I'm going to use on my poster:
fig. 39, A, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 40, B, Week 7 (4/10/2021)
fig. 41, C, Week 7 (4/10/2021)



I finally found easier way to do recoloring. This method is better than the one that have been taught last week. I also finally understand on how to recolor a black hair. I tried that before with my hair, but the color wouldn't come out. This exercise have taught me lots of thing.


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