23.04.2024 - 10.08.2024 (Week 1 - Week 16)
Abigail Kartika Darmowinoto / 0350525 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Art Direction / Taylor's University
Project : Rantau - Major Project



Week 1 
We started to define on our project direction. Looking from the 12 SDGs, we plan to brainstorm one problem that have relations with SDGs at first. So we defined a topic of “Trash Waste”, but from what Mr. Asrizal taught us in class, instead of focusing on a big problem, you can also look at around you and see what kind of daily problem that can be addressed. So we thought about our struggle, and I came out with an idea about the first time I struggle on doing cooking. So I came up with the idea to make an app about cooking and the animation will be like a cooking tutorials.

As time moves on it feels like those ideas don’t seem like strong enough, so we thought of other things, and which we came up with an idea about a platform that help international / new students coming to certain area like we previously did before.

Week 2
Did a consultation with Mr. Asrizal about or idea. He mentioned that the animation part wasn’t really strong enough, instead it feels somehow like a supporting element. Which we were both confused on how can he say something like that. So we feel like we went back to the starting point again :/ 

Week 3
We did several more brainstorming but we feel like we already love this idea and feel like it’s a good starting point and thus, we look more way to make our idea more “valid” to be accepted. We did some researches and stuffs to make our idea more strong. We decided to do campaign as approach and did our task division:
Which finally, after questioning on our main goals and what we want to be in the future, the idea got accepted and we were assigned with Ms. Anis as our supervisor.

During on our first consultation session with Ms. Anis we tried to explain our idea back from 0, and she understand our concept and being supportive to us. She also mentioned to me that it’ll be nice if I can code the app as well (which I’m still considering :D)

Week 4
On week 4 we began to proceed on the things we previously can’t do because we haven’t got the approval :)

We started to brainstorm on our vision, mission, target audiences, competitors, and what make us different from the others.

We also started to define the styling we want, the color we want to proceed, and the kind of typeface we wanted to use.

We planned on making a mascot as well to make it as a brand identity that can make people recognize us, so we brainstormed with several options and artstyle we want. We also define the characteristics like what are our approach as taught on the previous modules. We determined the is is not statement

For the application, I also started to define the styling I want to do. As I’m collaborating with an animation student, I planned to make an app design with several illustrations. I planned the possible wireframe aswell. By addressing several problems we encountered back then (of course it’s not valid yet!), but I managed to make the first flowchart planning.

Week 5-6
We did some interviews and small surveys to dig in several information and possibilities from several other international students, and moved it into an insight extraction. I also addressed all their problems by adding the turquoise notes as a possible solution of each problem.
Then summarizing it. and updating the flowchart I previously made:

Week 6
Furthermore, from the insight extraction I define on several categorization and came up with several solutions for the main UI.

So here’s the updated flowchart:

From that, I decided to move forward on sketching how the application will look like:

To determine the mascot and character design we want, we fill in the is and is not statement, and came up with another reference for the character design to be using duolingo’s style design, which will be followed by the UI as well. Sketch bottom left made by Devina:

I also did several sketches for the logo:

Week 7
From the sketches, I made the low fidelity prototype design. Then proceeding to high-fi draft 1:

Devina also did her attempt on logo designs:

Devina did some illustration preview and storyboard:

Week 8
From the low fidelity prototype, I proceed on doing some designs for the main screen, and tried to experiment with the color scheme. I also started to design the map by tracing Google Maps.

Week 9-10
Proceeding more on the prototype, added more screens and more detailed function for the accommodations then adding the function flows.

Week 10
I did several user testing that I target to finish before the presentation, so the lecturers can give feedback on something’s that almost finalized, so the feedbacks can be real, not like “ah it’s already week 10 so good already”

From the user testing I did, several say it’s already good for the main interface, but several things can be improved, like the map design, maybe add several more features, and stuffs.

Week 11 - 12
We did our presentation, before that we completed our documents, finalizing stuffs. After we did the presentation, there were several feedbacks needed for us to refer on, for the UI/UX part, the design is already okay, but maybe can check on the button styling, as well as like the bevel thickness, some still different.

Week 13 - 16
After the presentation, we did some amends and improvement for our project. I started to do the coding as well as the website. Changed the map design also:

Created some KV for the presentation board and booklet aswell:

My Design:

I also suggest to my teammate to add her KV and convince her to make a "movie poster" to showcase her animation, so she did, and I'm happy she did it:
Devina's Design:

We did our final feedback session with our supervisor, Ms. Anis, and turns out everything is okay already, for my part, she mentioned that maybe can add the onboarding feature to navigate through all the app.

We also did some merch design for our Final Year Showcase. I created these:

Finally we did our Final Year Showcase on 9 August and I feel happy that it’s a mark that I’ve completed my study through Taylor’s University Creative Media.


App Preview:

Full Version Prototype Click Here
Main UI:

Accommodation Coding Preview:

Accommodation Coding Link: 

Microsite Preview:


Animation by Devina:


This project has been incredibly valuable to me. I’m really proud of how well our idea was executed, and I’m especially grateful to Devina for creating all the assets and being such a supportive teammate. Through all the ups and downs, I never felt alone, and I’ve learned so much about UI/UX design, including creating a UI style guide with insights from industry professionals who visited our booth. I’m also thrilled that everyone who visited our booth found our application to be well-designed and a great idea. However, I can’t help but feel a bit anxious now, worried that someone might claim our idea, as it feels like something really special.


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